jueves, 10 de agosto de 2017

FCE Speaking Part 3: Discussing, agreeing and disagreeing

In FCE Speaking Part 3, the examiner will ask you to speak to your partner and give you a task to do together. Listen carefully to the question given with this task. You are often asked to imagine a situation. Usually, you are asked to do two things in the task (sometimes three). Remember to do both of them.

When you start, don’t talk to or look at the examiner. Always talk to and look at your partner, this is supposed to be a conversation. Make one point and then ask your partner for their opinion. A good way to start is by asking your partner a question using a phrase such as “Do you think…?” Use all the good phrases you know for making suggestions and recommendations and for agreeing and disagreeing with your partner.

Make sure you speak for about three minutes. After that, don’t worry if the examiner interrupts you. They have to do that so there is time for the whole interview.

You will be given four or five pictures or a mind map with different options around a situation. You must discuss with your partner and answer all the questions you are asked. Take the following as an example:

Here are some words and phrases students often used for part 3 (they can also be suitable for part 4):

Asking your partner’s opinion
So what do you think about…? 
What about…? 
What if…? 
Do you agree with me? 
Do go along with that? 
Are you alright with that?
Stating your opinion
As far as I’m concerned, … 
As I see it, … 
I’d like to suggest… 
If you ask me, … 
I think that… 
It seems to me that… 
From my point of view, … 
Personally, … 
To my mind, … 
From my perspective, … 
In my view, ... 
From my standpoint, ... 
I think the best option may be…
Agreeing with your partner
I completely/absolutely/totally agree. 
That’s absolutely right. 
You’re right. 
That’s a very good point. 
Yes, I hadn’t thought of that. 
I couldn’t agree more. 
That’s exactly what I was thinking. 
Partly agreeing or disagreeing
I partly agree. 
In a way, you are right. 
There’s a lot in what you say, but… 
You’ve got a point, but… 
I agree with you up to a point. 
I agree in part. 
That’s right to some extent, but… 
Surely, though…
Disagreeing with your partner
I completely disagree. 
I’m afraid I don’t agree. 
I have to disagree. Don’t you think…? 
But what about…? 
To be honest, I don’t think so at all. 
The way I see it is very different. 
Sorry, but I don’t think that’s a good idea.

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