For the next part, I’ll tell you something. You have to ask me questions to find out more information and make comments. You need to keep the conversation going. After four minutes, I’ll end the conversation. Are you ready?
1. A friend of mine has arrived in Seville and wants to meet up, but I think we will have to put off our meeting until tomorrow.
(Possible functions: reporting the conversation of others, persuading and discouraging, speculating, expressing emotions and feelings)
2. One of my best friends is living in Argentina for two months now and wants to move out. However, she doesn't know where.
(Possible functions: reporting the conversation of others, persuading and discouraging, speculating, expressing impossibility, expressing feelings and emotions)
3. As far as I can remember, my parents have always got along, but now they seem to want to divorce. I don't know what I should do.
(Possible functions: reporting the conversation of others, persuading and discouraging, speculating, expressing feelings and emotions)
4. Las week I came across an old friend who told me about a strange experience he had when he was a teenager. I found it hard to believe.
(Possible functions: reporting the conversation of others, speculating, expressing impossibility, expressing feelings and emotions)
5. I had a strange dream last night. I suspect it might be my brother's fault.
(Possible functions: reporting the conversation of others, speculating, expressing impossibility, expressing feelings and emotions)
6. Even though I couldn't catch any sleep at all last night, I had a shower and went to work at 7 o'clock in the morning.
(Possible functions: speculating, expressing feelings and emotions, persuading and discouraging)
7. My trip to London was an absolute mess, certainly the most horrible days of my life.
(Possible functions: speculating, expressing impossibility, expresing feelings and emotions)
8. One of my acquaintances has suggested that I should join his political party. In spite of my taste for politics, I can't make up my mind.
(Possible functions: reporting the conversation of others, speculating, persuading and discouraging, expressing feelings and emotions, expressing impossibility)
9. Yesterday morning I got a scary e-mail that kept me nervous for the rest of my day.
(Possible functions: reporting the conversation of others, speculating, persuading and discouraging, expressing feelings and emotions, expressing impossibility)
10. I am seriously thinking of changing my job. I have looked at various courses, but I'm not sure which course to choose.
(Possible functions: speculating, persuading and discouraging, expressing feelings and emotions, expressing impossibility)
11. Although I'd really to feel healthier, I haven't got a clue about where to start.
(Possible functions: speculating, persuading and discouraging, expressing feelings and emotions)
12. If I hadn't changed my job long time ago, my life would have been very different today.
(Possible functions: speculating, expressing feelings and emotions, expressing impossibility)
13. My oldest brother lives in the US. He's always felt comfortable there, but now he might have changed his opinion.
(Possible functions: reporting the conversation of others, speculating, persuading and discouraging, expressing feelings and emotions, expressing impossibility)
14. I feel guilty for having let down one of my employees at work. I didn't have any other option.
(Possible functions: reporting the conversation of others, speculating, persuading and discouraging, expressing feelings and emotions, expressing impossibility)
15. A few days ago, I went to the doctor. I wonder if I should ever come back again.
(Possible functions: reporting the conversation of others, speculating, persuading and discouraging, expressing feelings and emotions, expressing impossibility)
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